I’ve been brainstorming unique couple costume ideas lately to expand our Costume Ideas page, and I thought about one of my favorite scenes from the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. On his quest for the Holy Grail, Sir Galahad the Pure sees a grail-shaped beacon shining in the sky above a castle. He …
If you grew up in the 90’s like me, you probably have a special affection for the 1993 Halloween flick Hocus Pocus. I was 12 when it came out and was pretty obsessed with every facet of it. My sister and I watched it dozens of times, year round. For those not in the know, A.) You’re …
Around here, we are kind of obsessed with Halloween. We don’t just sell costumes, we LIVE costumes!!! (I apologize for the excessive use of exclamation points.) We usually wear at least two different costumes each year, and we love to match or follow a theme as a family. Last year, my then-3-year-old daughter was Cinderella AND a …