Whether you loved or hated the latest incarnation of The Great Gatsby, you have to admit those fun-loving flappers looked amazing! I came out of the theater wanting to wear a whole gown covered with huge crystals (can you image how uncomfortable that thing would be to sit in?) and to make my husband start wearing beige, slim-cut suits and suspenders.
Instead I suppose we’ll wait for Halloween or the next 20’s party someone throws. I’ll wear a Daisy Buchanan style wig (though really I’m more of a Roxie Hart girl) and one of our flapper costumes (this rhinestone-bedecked number has a luxe Daisyish flair). My husband will don a white pinstriped gangster suit and some dapper spats, and slick down his hair.
I’ll twirl my flapper beads around a finger and beckon to him, and we’ll dance the version of the Charleston we learned from playing Just Dance. We’ll drink from plastic champagne glasses and pretend it’s bootleg gin. Unlike Daisy and Gatsby, we’ll be happy in the end.